冬季オリンピック 袖ケ浦市 富津市の鍼灸整骨院 訪問リハビリマッサージ イトーメディカルケア
伊藤リハビリセンター 鮫島
【二十四節気(Twenty-four solar terms)の英語 日付は2022年】
①立春(りっしゅん)Beginning of Spring
・The cold weather and the early signs of spring begin to appear.
②雨水(うすい)Rain Water
・The temperature grows warmer, and the snow thaws , turning into rainwater.
③啓蟄(けいちつ)Insects Awakening
・Insects come out of hibemation and begin to surface.
④春分(しゅんぶん)Spring Equinox
・The sun rises directly east and sets directly west, making the length of day and night nearly equal.
⑤清明(せいめい)Fresh Green
・A sense of rejuvenation and activity surrounds all things.
⑥穀雨(こくう)Grain Rain
・Gentle rain falls, giving life to plants.
⑦立夏(りっか)Beginning of Summer
・Early sings of summer begin to appear.
⑧小満(しょうまん)Small Full Grain
・Grass and trees begin to grow, covering the ground everywhere.
⑨芒種(ぼうしゅ) Grain in Ear
・Farmers begin planting grains.
⑩夏至(げし)Summer Solstice
・The length of sunlight is the longest in the year.
⑪小暑(しょうしょ)Minor Heat
・The rainy season ends and the temperature begins to rise.
⑫大暑(たいしょ)Major Heat
・The temperature is the highest during this period.
⑬立秋(りっしゅう)Beginning of Autumn
・The early signs of fall begin to appear.
⑭処暑(しょしょ)Limit of Heat
・The heat starts to subside.
⑮白露(はくろ)White Dew
・Dew drops glisten on blades of grass.
⑯秋分(しゅうぶん) Autumnal Equinox
・The sun rises directly east and sets directly west, making the length of day and night nearly equal.
⑰寒露(かんろ)Cold Dew
・Cold dew drops form on blades on grass.
⑱霜降(そうこう)Frost Descent
・The first frost starts to form.
⑲立冬(りっとう)Beginning of Winter
・The early signs of winter begin to appear.
⑳小雪(しょうせつ)Minor Snow
・The air grows cooler and the rain turns to snow.
㉑大雪(たいせつ)Major Snow
・The snow starts to stick to the ground.
㉒冬至(とうじ)Winter Solstice
・The length of sunlight is the shortest in the year.
㉓小寒(しょうかん)Minor Cold
・The weather turns frigid as the cold season begins.
㉔大寒(だいかん)Major Cold
・The temperature is the lowest during this period.